Introducing the 2023-24 Master Teacher Cohort

"Hillsdale K-12 schools are filled with talented teachers who are dedicated to their craft, possess a deep knowledge of the content they teach, and model the wisdom and virtue we seek to cultivate within our students. Each year, a small cohort of teachers who are particularly distinguished in the art of teaching are honored as Master Teachers and serve as an extension of the Hillsdale K-12 Office." Read more about our newest group of Master Teachers who will be regular contributors on The Classical Classroom Blog!

Summer Camp for Teachers? : A Look into Our Annual Summer Conference in Classical Education

For teachers, summer is a season of rest and preparation. It affords time to evaluate the high and low points of the previous year, to further develop content knowledge and pedagogical practices, and to plan for the fall semester. Our office hosts a conference exclusive to Hillsdale Member Schools in order to give educators a space to learn from one another, build connections, grow as a professional, and rekindle their passion for classical education! In this post, Becky Lincoln and the Teacher Support Team further explain the purpose, structure, and key takeaways from the conference!